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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CActionRepresents an action shown in an action bar, context menu, or list
 CAlertDialogAlert dialogs are urgent interruptions to inform the user about a situation
 CAppBarApplication tool bar
 CApplicationWindowA window that provides features commonly used for Material Design apps
 CAppToolBarApplication tool bar
 CAutomaticGridLay out children in a grid that automatically fits the available space
 CBodyLabelText label with standard font and styling suitable to body text
 CBottomSheetA sheet of paper that slides up from the bottom
 CBottomSheetGridA sheet of paper with actions and an optional title that slides up from the bottom
 CBottomSheetListA sheet of paper with actions and an optional title that slides up from the bottom
 CBoxShadowA implementation of CSS's box-shadow
 CCaptionLabelText label with standard font and styling suitable to captions
 CCardCards display content composed of different elements
 CChipChips represent complex entities in small blocks, such as a contact
 CCircleImageCircular image
 CCircleMaskCircular mask
 CColorUtility functions for colors
 CColumnFlowAutomatically position children in columns
 CControlsUtilsA collection of helpful utility methods
 CDatePickerControl to select a single date
 CDatePickerDialogDialog to select a single date
 CDateTimePickerControl to select a both date and time
 CDateTimePickerDialogDialog with a picker to select dates and time
 CDialogLabelText label with standard font and styling suitable to message box text
 CDisplayLabelText label with standard font and styling suitable to display text
 CElevationMaterial Design elevation effect
 CFloatingActionButtonA floating action button
 CHeadlineLabelText label with standard font and styling suitable to headlines
 CIconDisplays an icon from the Material Design icon collection, the platform's icon theme, or another (local or remote) location
 CInputDialogInput dialogs ask the user to input data with certain constraints
 CListItemA standard list item, with one or more lines of text and optional left and right items
 CLoadableLoadable component
 CNavigationDrawerThe navigation drawer slides in from the left and is a common pattern in apps
 CNavigationListViewThe navigation drawer slides in from the left and is a common pattern in apps
 CNoiseBackgroundBackground with noise
 CObjectA \l QtObject with children
 COverlayViewReady made popup centered on its parent
 CPageRepresents a page on the navigation page stack
 CPageSidebarRepresents a split sidebar in a page, with its own title, actions, and color in the app bar
 CPageStackManages the page stack used for navigation
 CPlaceholderShows a placeholder icon and text
 CRippleRepresents a Material Design ripple ink animation used in various touchable components
 CSearchBarProvides a searchbar, that supports autocompletion and displays search results using cards
 CShowableShowtable component
 CSidebarA sidebar component for use in adaptive layouts
 CSmoothFadeImageDisplays an image and smoothly fade when the source is changed
 CSmoothFadeLoaderDisplays an item and smoothly fade when the source is changed
 CSnackBarSnackBar provides a brief feedback about an operation
 CSubheaderSubheaders are special list tiles that delineate distinct sections of a list or grid list
 CSubheadingLabelText label with standard font and styling suitable to subheading
 CTabTab for tabbed pages
 CTabbedPagePage with tabs
 CThinDividerA 1px high divider for use in lists and other columns of content
 CTimePickerControl to select a time
 CTimePickerDialogDialog with a picker to select time
 CTitleLabelText label with standard font and styling suitable to titles
 CToolButton\l ToolButton with a extra features
 CVignetteVignette effect
 CWaveProvides a wave animation for transitioning between views of content