CAbstractButton | |
CAction | Represents an action shown in an action bar, context menu, or list |
CActionGroup | |
CAlertDialog | Alert dialogs are urgent interruptions to inform the user about a situation |
CAppBar | Application tool bar |
CApplicationWindow | A window that provides features commonly used for Material Design apps |
CAppToolBar | Application tool bar |
CAutomaticGrid | Lay out children in a grid that automatically fits the available space |
CBodyLabel | Text label with standard font and styling suitable to body text |
CBottomSheet | A sheet of paper that slides up from the bottom |
CBottomSheetGrid | A sheet of paper with actions and an optional title that slides up from the bottom |
CBottomSheetList | A sheet of paper with actions and an optional title that slides up from the bottom |
CBoxShadow | A implementation of CSS's box-shadow |
CBusyIndicator | |
CButton | |
CButtonGroup | |
CCalendar | |
CCalendarModel | |
CCaptionLabel | Text label with standard font and styling suitable to captions |
CCard | Cards display content composed of different elements |
CCheckBox | |
CChip | Chips represent complex entities in small blocks, such as a contact |
CCircleImage | Circular image |
CCircleMask | Circular mask |
CClipboard | Clipboard |
CColor | Utility functions for colors |
CColumnFlow | Automatically position children in columns |
CComboBox | |
CContainer | |
CControl | |
CControlsUtils | A collection of helpful utility methods |
CDatePicker | Control to select a single date |
CDatePickerDialog | Dialog to select a single date |
CDateSelector | |
CDateTimePicker | Control to select a both date and time |
CDateTimePickerDialog | Dialog with a picker to select dates and time |
CDateUtils | |
CDayOfWeekRow | |
CDelayButton | |
CDevice | |
CDial | |
CDialog | |
CDialogButtonBox | |
CDialogLabel | Text label with standard font and styling suitable to message box text |
CDisplayLabel | Text label with standard font and styling suitable to display text |
CElevation | Material Design elevation effect |
CFloatingActionButton | A floating action button |
CFluidDecoration | |
CFluidDecorationManager | |
CFluidPlugin | |
CFrame | |
CGroupBox | |
CHeadlineLabel | Text label with standard font and styling suitable to headlines |
CHorizontalHeaderView | |
CIcon | Displays an icon from the Material Design icon collection, the platform's icon theme, or another (local or remote) location |
CIconThemeImageProvider | |
CInputArea | |
CInputDialog | Input dialogs ask the user to input data with certain constraints |
CInputRegion | |
CLabel | |
CListItem | A standard list item, with one or more lines of text and optional left and right items |
CLoadable | Loadable component |
CMenu | |
CMenuBar | |
CMenuBarItem | |
CMenuItem | |
CMenuSeparator | |
CMonthGrid | |
CNavigationDrawer | The navigation drawer slides in from the left and is a common pattern in apps |
CNavigationListView | The navigation drawer slides in from the left and is a common pattern in apps |
CNoiseBackground | Background with noise |
CObject | A \l QtObject with children |
COverlay | |
COverlayView | Ready made popup centered on its parent |
CPage | Represents a page on the navigation page stack |
CPageIndicator | |
CPageSidebar | Represents a split sidebar in a page, with its own title, actions, and color in the app bar |
CPageStack | Manages the page stack used for navigation |
CPane | |
CPicker | |
CPlaceholder | Shows a placeholder icon and text |
CPopup | |
CProgressBar | |
CRadioButton | |
CRangeSlider | |
CRipple | Represents a Material Design ripple ink animation used in various touchable components |
CScrollBar | |
CScrollIndicator | |
CScrollView | |
CSearchBar | Provides a searchbar, that supports autocompletion and displays search results using cards |
CSelectionRectangle | |
CShowable | Showtable component |
CSidebar | A sidebar component for use in adaptive layouts |
CSlider | |
CSmoothFadeImage | Displays an image and smoothly fade when the source is changed |
CSmoothFadeLoader | Displays an item and smoothly fade when the source is changed |
CSnackBar | SnackBar provides a brief feedback about an operation |
CSpinBox | |
CSplitHandle | |
CSplitView | |
CStackView | |
CStandardPaths | |
CSubheader | Subheaders are special list tiles that delineate distinct sections of a list or grid list |
CSubheadingLabel | Text label with standard font and styling suitable to subheading |
CSwipeView | |
CSwitch | |
CTab | Tab for tabbed pages |
CTabBar | |
CTabbedPage | Page with tabs |
CTabButton | |
CTextArea | |
CTextField | |
CThinDivider | A 1px high divider for use in lists and other columns of content |
CTimePicker | Control to select a time |
CTimePickerDialog | Dialog with a picker to select time |
CTimeSelector | |
CTitleLabel | Text label with standard font and styling suitable to titles |
CToolBar | |
CToolButton | \l ToolButton with a extra features |
CToolSeparator | |
CToolTip | |
CTreeViewDelegate | |
CTumbler | |
CUnits | Units |
CVerticalHeaderView | |
CVignette | Vignette effect |
CWave | Provides a wave animation for transitioning between views of content |
CWeekNumberColumn | |
CWindowDecoration | |
CYearModel | |
CYearSelector | |