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Contributor Guide

With Google's repo command you can download all the projects at once and open them from QtCreator.


In this guide we assume that you are using the bash shell and QtCreator 4.3.0 or greater.

Download sources and prepare for the development

Install repo

Your Linux distribution might have repo available, check in their repositories.

We know Arch Linux has got the package, if you are using it just:

sudo pacman -S repo

If you are using another distribution and it doesn't have a package available, follow these instructions:

Create ~/bin/ subdirectory, include it in PATH, and then switch to it by executing the following commands:

mkdir ~/bin/

Download the repo script by executing the following command:

curl > ~/bin/repo

Change the attribute of repo to make it executable by executing the command:

chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Clone the repositories

To clone the latest source of all projects over SSH, perform the following procedure:

Firstly, create a new directory for Liri. This will be referred to as repo root in the docs. Switch to it by executing the following commands:

mkdir -p ~/git/liri/lirios
cd ~/git/liri/lirios

Initialize the repository by executing one of the following commands, as appropriate.

For write access:

repo init -u ssh:// -b develop

For read-only access:

repo init -u -b develop

Synchronize the repository by executing the following command:

repo sync

Get ready for development

repo doesn't create local branches for you, hence you end up with a detached head that points to the last known good commit.

Before you start developing make sure you have local branches:

repo forall -c 'git checkout $REPO_RREV; git submodule update --init --recursive'

Now set git to use the commit template that will help you write good commit messages:

ROOTDIR=$(pwd) repo forall -c 'git config commit.template $ROOTDIR/.commit-template'

Setup the environment

The installation root is the directory where all files will be installed when building the Liri master project from QtCreator.

To set your environment variables correctly so you will be able to launch the cross platform apps, run

source [nvidia]

Note for users running the Nvidia proprietary drivers: Supply the nvidia argument every time you run the script

By default, .build/install-root inside your repo root will be used as installation root. To change this, issue the command with the LIRIDIR prefix instead

LIRIDIR="path/to/directory" source [nvidia]

Open the project

Run QtCreator and open the master project file CMakeLists.txt inside your repo root.


Click on the "Projects" button and setup the build, this needs to be done only the first time.

Build setup

Set the build directory to whatever you want, just make sure you have access to the directory:

Build directory

Make sure the build steps are configured like in this screenshot:

Build steps

Set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to change the installation root.

Remember to replace /home/plfiorini to your actual home directory.

If you don't want to run all the unit tests during the build set BUILD_TESTING to OFF.

Now create a custom build step like this:

Build steps

The custom build step will compile the settings schemas so it must be there.

Update sources

New repositories might be added to the manifest or new commits are pushed to existing repositories, so from time to time you need to fetch updated versions.

Make sure all your changes are either committed or stashed and run:

cd ~/git/liri/lirios
repo sync

Now set git to use the commit template that will help you write good commit messages:

ROOTDIR=$(pwd) repo forall -c 'git config commit.template $ROOTDIR/.commit-template'